That's me at the top of Carson Pass. #5 of 5 passes climbed during the 2009 Death Ride.
I looked at my bike this last Saturday, it looked sad. Got ridden hard and put away wet. Somehow I have a flat rear tire. What’s with that? How can it have a flat just hanging on the bike stand? Maybe it’s mad at me for coming home from Markleeville, unpacking, and hanging it up on the stand, where it’s been, untouched, all week.
A week has passed since riding in the Death Ride. There have been mixed emotions flowing through me during this time. A sense of accomplishment has been tempered with the feeling of loss. I no longer have the “goal” of riding in the Death Ride out in front of me. I finished the ride feeling good. No injuries. I was sore of course, but not painfully so. A bad case of chapped lips was the worst of it. I am now trying to determine a plan that will enable me to maintain my current level of fitness while living life somewhat normally. Any suggestions?
Shifting back to focusing on my family, and my business, is the name of the game now. This is welcome; my family have been over-the-top supportive of me. A lot of time was spent training and planning for the ride. I have missed spending time with Veronica and Lassen. The real world beckons.
To all of you who offered support: financially by donating to TurningWheels For Kids, emotionally, and physically, there are not words to describe how much all this has meant to me.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
There is still time to donate to this extraordinarily awesome organization. Click here.
I am so honored to be part of TurningWheels For Kids. They are all so amazing: the riders, the cheerleaders, the cooks, the masseuse (oops, we forgot that one huh?).
The TWFK cheering section/rest stop set up at Hermits Valley was a welcome sight. I knew if I made it to there unscathed I would be able to finish 5 passes.
TWFK - Such an amazing group of people. Doing it all for the kids.

There are underprivileged children in Santa Clara County who will benefit directly from your support. Because of you, a few more brand new bikes will be under trees this coming Christmas.
Some stats from the ride:
- 129 miles ridden, 15,000' climbed.
- 1 flat tire, while descending the front side of Ebbetts at 35mph.
- 121 miles of great weather.
- 20+ water bottles, 14 E-Caps, 10 gels, 1 PowerBar, 2 bananas, 1 V8, and 1 Orange-Vanilla ice-cream bar at the top of Carson Pass.
- Just under 12.5 hours on the bike, about 13.5 hours out on the course including rest stops.
- 9600 calories burned.
- Started at 4:45am, 60 degrees. High in the 90's at the Woodfords rest stop, probably high 40's, low 50's, in the rain going up Carson Pass.
Fastest Descent: #2- East side of Monitor Pass - 50mph+!
Hardest Climb: #5- Carson Pass because of the 40mph gusting wind and rain.
Easiest Climb: #4- up the west side of Ebbetts Pass after a great, but short, rest with the TWFK folks in Hermit Valley.
Best View: Spotting Veronica and Lassen on the side of the road, cheering me on, near Turtle Rock, 3 miles from the finish! Their words of encouragement powered me to the end.
Biggest Smile: Jessica's, at the TWFK Team house while telling us she finished all 5 passes!
Cheeriest Cheerleader: Leah, every time we passed each other she let out a yell that kept me going.
Happiest Moment: Hearing Dave cheer for me when I was almost at the top of Carson. And having him turn around and ride a minute with me to offer encouragement.
Best Food: Orange/Vanilla ice cream bar at the top of Carson.

Dave knows I'll finish...