There was new snow on Mount Hamilton Sunday. I wasn't going to go for a ride on Sunday because of the intermittent rain, and it was cold (balmy for you Mid-Westerners), and too windy. Well, I got home from class and it looked nice out, but was still way windy and chilly. I procrastinated and then Veronica said "skedaddle". So I did.
I decided I needed new scenery so I figured I would go out Quito Road to Hwy9, then to Los Gatos and out Shannon. I got to the end of Shannon and decided to see if I could figure out where I had gone on Hicks Road some 10 years ago. I didn't recognize the road, ended up at the reservoir, figured that was the top. Not too bad a climb to this point. I decided to ride to where the road would summit and drop down into Almaden Valley. I even contemplated going down Hicks and home via Blossom Hill. Well let me tell you, every time I thought the top was "around the corner" it wasn't. I stopped a bunch of times to get my heart rate down; if I rode any slower I would fall over, so I had to stop. I lost count of how many times I did that. I was embarrassed, I even turned around once but thought to myself I would be so pissed if the top was around the next corner. I swear... the top just wouldn't come and it was very steep. It sucked. But... I kept thinking I was almost at the top because the road would look like it was going to level off, but it just kept going up and up after every corner. I finally saw a stop sign warning sign and assumed the summit had to be around the corner. Finally I was right!!!! The top is at the crossroad of Mt. Umunhum Road and Hicks Road. I didn't EVEN want to contemplate what the road up to Mt. Umunhum would be like. I stopped, had a PowerBar, contemplated life, enjoyed the sunshine and then headed home. 34 miles, 4 1/2 hours out and back, from home.
I am sore and tired. It was very hard for me. Gotta get that new cassette installed, I was pushing way too hard a gear.
I hope I can ride the whole way someday.
3 days ago
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